About Sorrento 2020
The contest, an exhibition and the 2020 calendar on the beauty of the Sorrento Peninsula
The Project
We are a group of professionals working in different sectors, from communication to information technology, from medicine to art. We have different characters and ages , but with a common passion: our roots. For this reason we have decided to group together and create a reference for everyone, for both residents and foreigners interested in the Sorrento Peninsula. The main purpose of our project is to share the beauty and the history of people and places, in order to remember lost habits and to rediscover craftsmanship and tradition. We have many ideas for the future and we would like to invite you to follow us through this website or our social pages, in order to stay tuned. To kick off , we initiated this social photo contest: which better way than photos to tell how much beauty our land offers?

The Social Photo contest “About Sorrento 2020” is created to share and promote the tourist beauty of the whole Sorrento peninsula and more.
Our purpose is to collect the most beautiful pictures taken by people love this place. The 12 best photos will be chosen and will be included in our 2020 About Sorrento calendar. Moreover, they will also be subject of a public photographic exhibition.
“Looking at something is very different from seeing it. You don’t see anything until you see its beauty.” – OSCAR WILDE
Beauty will be the theme of this first edition “About Sorrento 2020” : express your concept of beauty through a picture, use your creativity, maybe you could show us a kind of beauty that is yet to be explored.
Look at the gallery with the 12 photos selected to represent the Sorrento peninsula in the exhibition and in the calendar #aboutsorrento2020
The first edition of the contest ended on 17 November 2019.
To take part in the social photo contest please :
– send your photos by email to info@aboutsorrento.com
– post your photos on Instagram tagging the @aboutsorrento page and using the hashtag #aboutsorrento2020
– post / share your photos on facebook tagging the @aboutsorrentocoast page
Every day we will publish and share your submissions on our social networks and the 12 most beautiful ones , that also include the required technical features (see guidelines), will be chosen both for the creation of the 2020 calendar and for the first About Sorrento photo exhibition.
To promote the activities of About Sorrento, the calendar will be distributed to institutional and political offices and given as a present to the authors of the selected photos. Special thanks also to the young Sorrentine craftsman Marco Gargiulo, founder of the brand Una lettera da Sorrento , who offers a gift to each of the 12 winners. An exclusive homemade bracelet that is created from a fishing net with a wax seal bearing the S of Sorrento.
Email info@aboutsorrento.com