Sorrento - Processioni - Storia locale

In Sorrento, next August 14, 2024, will be the traditional Dormitio Mariae Procession.

It is the Procession of the “Madonna Morta“, where the statue of the Virgin, lying on her deathbed, is carried in procession from the Church of SS. Annunziata to a church in Sorrento for Mass.

Check out our article and discover more about this tradition in Sorrento.

The Calendar

Wednesday Aug. 14, 2024 

The “Peregrinatio Mariaeprocession itinerary:

10:00 pm | starting from Chiesa della SS. Annunziata, Piazza Veniero, Corso Italia, Sorrento Cathedral (Celebration of the Mass);

After the Mass

Corso Italia, Via Tasso, Piazza della Vittoria (stop at Stella Maris chapel), Via Marina Grande, Via Strettola San Vincenzo, Via San Nicola, Vico III Fuoro,  Chiesa della SS. Annuunziata and final blessing.

August 15, 2024 – Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

9:30 am | Holy Mass

Dormitio Mariae processione madonna morta sorrento 14 agosto 2024 arciconfraternita santa monica programma about sorrento