Contest About Sorrento 2024

About Sorrento 2024: the subject

After the extraordinary success of the previous editions, the photography social contest About Sorrento is ready to amaze once again with its fifth edition.

This year, the theme chosen for the event is “Life”: …in the Sorrento Peninsula”, a broad and fascinating concept that offers endless creative opportunities to express the vital energy that pervades every aspect of this place.

calendario aboutsorrento 2023
calendario aboutsorrento 2023 aprile

The aim of this contest is to capture the authentic essence of people, daily life, places, crafts, traditions and gastronomy that make this place so special and full of so many things to tell and to make known.

The theme chosen this year offers many ideas: immortalizing traditional craftsmanship, capturing the skilled hands of the masters in the creation of unique works of art; explore local folklore, documenting folk festivals, traditional dances and colourful costumes; pay homage to ancient traditions, from religious rites to secular customs that still animate daily life today, capture moments of daily life among the historic alleys full of activities that tell the stories of our places and the production of local delicacies.

However the subject of the contest, “Life”, goes even further than all that has been listed, it could be the joy of a family gathering on the beach at sunset or simply the beauty of nature that surrounds this breathtaking peninsula as you travel the many paths that unravel the area. 

Let your imagination run wild and discover what “Life” means to you in this magical place.

Also this year, 12 photographs will be selected and  will be part of the About Sorrento 2024 Calendar and in addition the selected authors will receive copies of the calendar as a gift.

We are curious to see your shots on the “Life” contest that tell “life in the Sorrento Peninsula”.

We remind you that the management of the contest is supported by the communication company Stylo Project, which supports and structures the About Sorrento project.

#Aboutsorrento2024: participation guidelines

Competition rules

Participation to the contest is free of charge and open to everyone: admirers, amateurs or professional photographers, without any age or origin limit
Each participant can send an unlimited number of photos. To take part to the social photo contest it is requested:

  • Send your photo to
    In addition, should you want us to choose your photo as a “pic of the day” on our social canals, do not forget to:
  • post photos on Instagram tagging @aboutsorrento page and using the hashtag #aboutsorrento2024;
  • post / share photos on Facebook tagging the @aboutsorrentocoast page and using the hashtag #aboutsorrento2024;

    For largest files, we recommend using a free cloud transfer service (like

mostra-About-Sorrento 2023
The About Sorrento 2023 calendar's cover

To become eligible to the selection of the 12 photos for 2024 calendar of About Sorrento, the original photos must have the technical specifications reported below:

  •  Each participant can take part to the social photo contest with one or more photo
  • Each photograph has to be accompanied by a title, name and surname of the owner, telephone number and city of origin.
  • Only photographs, in JPG, PNG or TIFF format are allowed. The photos can be both with horizontal and vertical orientation (ratio 3:2 or 2:3) and dimension 30 x 20 cm (or 20:30cm), with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi will be considered eligible for the calendar.
  • Photo have to be sent without signature or brand.
  • Photos depicting people recognizable in person must be supplied with the release of the subject of the photograph (you have to specify this in the email for sending photos.

In addition:

  • Selected photos for the calendar will be accompanied by the author’s data (Name, Surname and Title) following a common graphic line.
  • Photographs containing other logos or trademarks for advertising purposes will not be taken into consideration.
  • Photos that do not respect these features will be automatically excluded from the calendar but can be published by ABOUT SORRENTO on its relevant social channels.
  • The direct organizers are not allowed to participate to the contest;
  • Every photo provided by the participants will be examined and judged by a qualified jury composed of professional in the field.

Every participant will be able to tag or send the photographic material until the November 1st 2023 included (no later than 11:59 pm).

In the meantime we invite you to have a look at the 12 shots which have been selected the past year.

Click on the cover and discover the calendar #aboutsorrento2023.

Click on the cover and discover the calendar #aboutsorrento2022.

Click on the cover and discover the calendar #aboutsorrento2021.

Click on the cover and discover the calendar #aboutsorrento2020.


Each participant is responsible for the provided material, therefore the organizers are relieved of every responsibility towards third parties, even against any subjects captured in the photographs.
Each participant also declares to be the sole author of the photos sent to AboutSorrento team.
Furthermore each author declares that the sent photos do not infringe on the rights of third parties and also he declares that for any portray subjects, has already obtained the consent or the relevant authorization.
The organizers reserve the right not to publish photos that do not comply with this regulations or that are considered offensive, improper and detrimental to human and social rights, according to common moral, ethical and decency rules.


The rights to the photographs remain the exclusive property of the author who created them.
By sending the photos, the author authorizes the publication and use by AboutSorrento and any partners.
The author also authorizes AboutSorrento to publish and use images on the internet without profit, including the author’s details (name, surname, city of origin) and, where possible, any explanatory notes indicated by him.
Please note that the personal data provided by competitors will only be used for activities related to the “About Sorrento” activities. For more information: