Piano and its Patron Saint

This past weekend I attended my second Italian festival on the Sorrento Peninsula, La Festa di San Michele.

This annual celebration is in honor of Piano di Sorrento’s Patron Saint, San Michele, who is one of the Archangels and a very important biblical figure known for his strength as a leader. 

Piano di Sorrento is only two train stops and a couple of minutes away from Sorrento.

Visiting the Basilica of San Michele

My first objective when I arrived was to visit the Basilica di San Michele so from the train station I turned right and followed that road until it stops, then turned right again and was at the Basilica shortly.

I was amazed by the detailed art and craftmanship of the Basilica, as I am with most Italian churches, and took it all in before heading inside.

There was a service for San Michele actively going on inside which was interesting to see as the whole church was filled and everyone stood up to recite the prayers with the priest.

My slight knowledge of the Italian language didn’t help me to understand the service, but it was very culturally impacting to see how involved the community of Piano di Sorrento is with their Patron Saint.

The Festival in Piano

After the Basilica, I went to see the rest of the festivities and followed the street back the way we came, but kept going straight until we reached Corso Italia, the main road through Piano di Sorrento.

The festival stands were lined up and down the street with candy, Italian street food, jewelry, local businesses, and collectibles for sale.

I got ham and cheese arancini, which are Sicilian fried risotto balls.

It was cool to try the Italian street food because it is very different from American street food, but similar as they both are fried.

I also got a bag of gummy candy to share with my friends because it isn’t a festival without sweets!

Following the road further, there were fair rides for kids, cotton candy, and even a stand selling pets like birds and turtles.

In the main square, Piazza Cota, was a stage for a concert that was going on later in the night.

Unfortunately we did not have time to stay for, but it was cool to see how much the town put into the festival!

After my time here, I got pizza with my friends and headed back to the train towards Sorrento!

Piano di Sorrento left a good impression on me during the festival for San Michele and I loved to see how many local Italians were there!

In fact I don’t think I saw any other tourists there at all.

It was interesting because I had to use the little bit of the Italian language I know to communicate when ordering at the food stands;

not many people seemed to know English, when in Sorrento almost everybody speaks English.

I was not expecting this just two towns over, but it was kind of refreshing to have an authentic Italian experience and not just that of a tourist town. 

I had so much fun learning about and experience the Festival for San Michele and I can’t wait to experience more Italian festivals!

