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Passeggiate di Primavera 2024

Pro Loco Due Golfi, in partnership with ArcheoClub Massa, the Forum dei Giovani di Massa Lubrense and the City Council organizes two appointments to learn about and uncover the Beauties of Massa Lubrense.

Passeggiate di Primavera, therefore, is the name of the format where the passion for walking combines with the love for Art and Architecture.

The focus of the 2024 edition is the art of “riggiola” and one of the most influent masters in the field: Ignazio Chiaiese.

Don’t miss these two opportunities!

Saturday, May 4: Visit to the Monastery of the Holy Rosary in Monticchio and Church of the Holy Savior in Schiazzano. Departure from Largo “Ludovico da Casoria” (Sant’Agata) 4 p.m;

Saturday, May 11: Visit to St. Mary’s Church and former Cathedral Church in Massa center. Departure from the church of Santa Maria della Misericordia (hamlet of Santa Maria) 4 p.m.

Events in Massa Lubrense passeggiate di primavera 2024 about sorrento

The majolica-tiled "riggiole"

In the multifaceted Neapolitan artistic scene of the 18th century, the art of majolica tiles, the “riggiole,” occupied a prominent place.

Numerous family-run workshops were active in Naples, which took care of the wall and floor decorations of aristocratic palaces, churches and monasteries.

An outstanding example of the excellence of the Neapolitan “riggiolari” is certainly the entirely majolica-tiled floor of the Church of San Michele Arcangelo in Anacapri, Capri.

Massa Lubrense's "riggiole"

Massa Lubrense, too, can proudly show some evidence of this highly esteemed art, which sees in Ignazio Chiaiese its most distinguished exponent.

Having arrived here following his encounter with the foundress of the Monastery of the Holy Rosary of Monticchio, Sister Cristina Olivieri, Ignazio Chiaiese took care of the floor coverings (with floral and faun themes) of several sacred buildings in Massa Lubrense.